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Feel Good Friday: Going Nuts for Nuts

This Feel Good Friday we are going nuts for nuts…and heres’ why you should too

Nuts are packed with a variety of nutrients that are good for our heart, skin, joints, our brain and overall health. Here are some reasons why:

  • Nuts are packed with a variety of vital vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids.

  • The unsaturated fats in nuts help to lower bad cholesterol

  • The Omega 3 fatty acids in nuts help to reduce inflammation

  • The fibre and fats in nuts help to keep you feeling full longer especially useful when on a weight loss program or following a vegan lifestyle.

  • The vitamin E in nuts help to prevent plaque build-up in your arteries.

Different nuts have different levels of these “good for you” properties, so don’t just restrict yourself to the familiar ones such as almonds and cashews as many of us are apt to do. Don’t get me wrong almonds and cashews are great for you but so are walnuts, pecans and brazil nuts ( to name a few). Check it out:

Walnuts – help to improve memory, prevent depression, improve sperm quality, grow stronger hair and nails. They also take away hunger like magic…try 3 with glass of water next time hunger hits before mealtime.

Pecans – these help to improve brain function, prevent anemia, reduce the risk of breast cancer, reduce the symptoms of PMS, boost energy.

Brazil nuts - this large powerhouse of a nut helps to boost your immune system, maintain a healthy thyroid gland, and promote heart health.

Cashews – these help to lower your risk of gallstones and helps to improve bone and joint health.

Almonds – the antioxidants in almonds are loaded in the brown skin so make sure and avoid blenched almonds, almonds assist with blood sugar control and improves blood pressure control.

Wondering how much nuts you should eat per day? About 1.5 ounces a day seems to be the best amount. Of course you cancel out the good properties if the nuts are candied, sugared or covered in chocolate. I suggest you eat them raw and unsalted. If you’re having trouble losing weight or suffer from headaches, joint pain, or other autoimmune symptoms, try removing nuts from your diet completely as every body’s body is different and some of us do have sensitivities to nuts. You can try reintroducing them once symptoms subside.

Next week we are going to address some creative ways to get healthy nuts into your diet.

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