Wellness with Natalie: How to reduce your diabetes risk
The diabetes epidemic in Jamaica and globally is far advanced and ever increasing in numbers. Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult...
Wellness with Natalie: Feel up Yuhself Ladies
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as you'll have noticed, Loop has gone pink for the month to help raise awareness and funds...
Wellness with Natalie – Three foods to help prevent breast cancer
No doubt about it – cancer is complex and there is no one reason or one cure, but there are factors that can mitigate and factors that...
Wellness with Natalie: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
No doubt anyone who reads this column has been touched by cancer in one way or another. Personally, a loved one, or just someone you know....
Wellness with Natalie: Top tips for a good night's sleep
Sleep is one of the most critical processes your body performs, yet somehow so many of us take pride in the fact that “we can operate on...